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  • You should obtain your Student Identity Card (ISIC) at yout home university or in your home country.

  • ISIC will allow you to benefit from student reductions for such things as the public transport pass, most museum and theatre tickets, and many bus, rail and air fares

  • If for some reason you are not able to do so before coming to the Brno university of Technology, it is possible to apply for the ISIC in Brno at Student Agency, Náměstí Svobody 17, Brno. You have to pay a fee is in amount of 300 CZK.













  • When you are enrolled at university you will get a student identity card with a special BUT chip.

  • This card will serve you as your identification card while you are at Brno University of Technology - it will enable you to enter computer rooms at faculties or in the university center, department or central libraries, and other university facilities.

  • You can benefit from the student reductions available at canteens- student refectories, for public transport , most museum, theatre, rail and bus tickets, etc.

  • To obtain the card you need to send your date of birth, the name of the host faculty and 1 passport size photo to the faculty foreign department and your card could be made even before your arrival.




  • The ESN Card is the membership card of the Erasmus Student Network.

  • The ESN Card is valid for 12 months and only valid with a photo and correct personal data. The card is strictly personal and cannot be used by somebody else than the card holder.

  • You can get the ESN card if you have been an international student, if you are currently on exchange, if you are active member of ISC VUT section.

  • You can obtain the card at ESN VUT office (Palackého dormitories, Kolejní Street, building of Faculty of Business and Management. The office is in room No. P223.) any time during opening hours.

© 2015-2017 International Relations Department - Brno University of Technology.


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